
I am happy to say that I completed the technical part of our final project. Rarely, if ever, have I finished anything this far in advance. I think I found my project really practical, and I was doing things I definitely want to do with students.

Using a Wiki as my "base", I retold the first story of Tim O'Brien's novel The Things They Carried using several different technologies and several different voices.

1 comment:

  1. You have made this novel come alive. I viewed FOUND POETRY and the images brought back the 7 p.m. news I used to watch in the 60s. I was also interested in your choice of background music; with all the anti-war songs of the era, why choose this one over another? (This is not a criticism; your choice is great, I just wonder why this one.) I hope your paper answers that.
    How much have you shared with your students? Are they as thrilled as I am?
