Voice Threads

What a wonderful easy thing to do with students!
Hmmm....Kids could:
1. Create a family photo album for a character that is narrated
2. Read a poem they write to images
3. Create a kids book they would write, read, and illustrate
4. Work with others to create retelling of a book we read using images. They would have to summarize.

The only issues is having microphone access. We would need at least 15, and getting them can be a mess at times because we have a limited supply. How do I make a request? I really do not have the time to to an Edfund grant, can I just ask an administrator?


Post #4 Role Play

I used to use role play a lot more. Some of the responses I got made me feel like it was to elementary. However, in refelction, the majority of the kids really enjoyed them. Some of my activities have included:

1. Having kids take a stand about teaching Huck Finn in schools. We then held a board meeting and kids dressed up as their "roles."
2. I had kids make videos or act out scenes from the books. The best one I ever received was a reenactmetn of the ending of Farenheit 451.
3. I have kids act out vocabulary words.
4. Last week we held a mock trial concerning the guilt or innocence of Davy Land in Peace Like a River.

I would love to do this online. Kids could show off their technological savvy, and I think quieter kids would become more involved. Here are some ideas from the Kennedy Center.

Post #2 My Blogs

I guess this entry is really more in response to the second week's entry requirements about experience with blogging.

This year I am using blogs with both of my classes. I am not sure of how effective they are, but I can say that I have a lot fewer questions about what we did in class from kids who have been gone. I also can tell kids who have been gone to check the blog. Additionally, I can direct parents to the blog. I usually post assignments on Edline, and I direct kids to the assignments from the blog.

It is also great me. So often I forget what we have done earlier in the week, and with my blog it is all there.

Please take a look if you are interested. I highly recommend doing this.

American Literature

American Literature Foundations

Post #5: Decisions Based on 1% of the Population

I am enjoying Ning quite a bit. I feel much less hesitant to state opinions. Some of them are my own, but I also try to play devil's advocate at times, too. This would be GREAT to do in the English class. For example, we are reading Peace Like a River, and the kids could take on the roles of the characters and debate the conflicts in the book.

At the same time, however, we could organize a day in class where each kid will assume a role and do this role-playing "live." In fact, I think that is what I am going to have to do because I asked if we could use it in school and I was told I would have to use a different program.

I will look into it, but I feel like I know Ning, I like Ning, and learning another program would be too time consuming. I am going to continue pushing for Ning and try not to get frustrated with arbitrary rules. Quite honestly, the majority- 99% of the students I would guess- do not and never will abuse technology at our school, but we seem to make decisions based on the 1% who do.

Anyway, I was told to do a google apps for role playing which would work, but it does not seem to be nearly as fun.