Post #5: Decisions Based on 1% of the Population

I am enjoying Ning quite a bit. I feel much less hesitant to state opinions. Some of them are my own, but I also try to play devil's advocate at times, too. This would be GREAT to do in the English class. For example, we are reading Peace Like a River, and the kids could take on the roles of the characters and debate the conflicts in the book.

At the same time, however, we could organize a day in class where each kid will assume a role and do this role-playing "live." In fact, I think that is what I am going to have to do because I asked if we could use it in school and I was told I would have to use a different program.

I will look into it, but I feel like I know Ning, I like Ning, and learning another program would be too time consuming. I am going to continue pushing for Ning and try not to get frustrated with arbitrary rules. Quite honestly, the majority- 99% of the students I would guess- do not and never will abuse technology at our school, but we seem to make decisions based on the 1% who do.

Anyway, I was told to do a google apps for role playing which would work, but it does not seem to be nearly as fun.


  1. I am also becoming more comfortable with NING and I agree with you that it should be available to use with students is we find it valuable. I think it would be interesting to do a student survey to find out how many of our students are involved in role playing games outside of class. I have no idea if there are many and who would be involved.

  2. You read Peace Like a River? I'm jealous -- I love that book! I think a real time in class role play would be fun too, if Ning is not a possiblity.

  3. Elizabeth, Pat and Tess, I think now that you all have experience with Ning, that you could argue, with credibility, for the lift of the Ning block -- if not an entire lift, you should at least be able to create a class Ning and get that approved. We were able to do so for our class and think you should be able to do so for your class.

    I'd love to "lurk" in your role-plays. Let me know if you start one up.
